Out with the OLD, and in with the NEW!

24th June 2024

You know how it is! You'd like a new boat but the purse strings don't stretch that far, and anyway, you love the boat you have and can't bear the thought of selling her on to someone who won't love her the way you do!

So! What's the solution!?

At Ovation Boats, our team of experienced fitters can give your boat a make-over to satisfy your desires at a price you can afford, whether external paintwork or internal modifications.

Here we see an example of what can be done to bring a beloved boat into the modern world and, with a new galley, under gunnel storage and an upgraded heating system as part of these changes, this little gem will be giving her owners pleasure for many more years to come!

If you're considering giving your boat a make-over and would like impartial advice and a no obligation quote, give Chris Williams a call on 07963 974 793 or email chris@ovationboatservices.co.uk

Under gunnel storage
Modifcations blend in with original fit out!

New worktop, hob & galley sink
Integral washing machine & new radiators!jpg

A fresh look for a beloved boat!jpg
Handy occasional table!jpg